Eastern Box Turtle
Terrapene carolina
Wikipedia: Eastern Box Turtle
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 | June 12, 2015 |
 | June 19, 2014 |
 | July 12, 2009 |
 | August 2, 2010 |
 | August 2, 2010 |
 | August 2, 2010 |
 | August 2, 2010 |
 | August 25, 2015 This turtle made a temporary burrow where it was foraging during the day. It has an abrasion near the top of its shell. |
 | August 25, 2015 This turtle made a temporary burrow where it was foraging during the day. It has an abrasion near the top of its shell. |
 | August 29, 2011 |
 | August 29, 2011 |
Last updated June 17, 2017
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